How AlliApp enabled Louise to find her son’s allergy triggers

We were delighted to hear from Louise Whiddett, who told us AlliApp has changed her life, by positively affecting the health of her family. Her son George was in constant discomfort from painful eczema flare-ups until AlliApp helped her identify the foods that trigger his condition

As told to the AlliApp Health Team Apr 3 · 2 mins read

Louise and George’s Story

‘Our hospital allergy appointment took ages to organise and when we got there I was feeling really nervous. George’s skin was the worst it had ever been, it was the middle of a heat wave and there was no air con in the hospital, so we were both even more stressed.

Thanks to AlliApp I was able to show the specialist dated entries with corresponding photos to show how George’s reactions varied. It was so brilliant to finally speak to someone and give them definite, day to day information. I’d been tearing my hair out with how stressed out George’s eczema made us all feel. It just wasn’t calming down. I’d even had to take him to urgent care when his skin got badly infected.

The specialist listened & looked through my app and on that information had George positively tested for Dairy, Wheat, Peanut & Tomato. He explained that not everyone will react the same way to different things in their diet – all allergy sufferers are individual and what makes someone react may have no affect on someone else. At last though, we knew George’s own trigger. As soon as we got the results back, we were able to move forward and are continuing to use AlliApp to track any further reactions.

I know finding the particular causes of any skin reaction is not a cure, but it means you can avoid them. Thank you AlliApp for all your help in making our lives a thousand times less stressful. It is wonderful to see George healthy and able to have fun again, knowing all it takes is identifying and stopping the foods that started it in the first place.’

Have you remembered to log in and track your food today? Why not set a reminder? Go to ‘settings’ then ‘notifications’ – we’ll send you reminders to log in each day. AlliApp is the key to you feeling better, faster.
